Month: September 2014

NURBS by Krugger


Krugger NURBS hits the BMW K1600 for six cylinder engine…

“Krugger” Bertrand is Belgium’s motorcycle builder inspired by the iconic pre-War BMW R7. He uses jigs and cardboard mockups to get the lines right, taking the Japanese approach of observing where shadows fall, and playing on the contrast between light and dark. “NURBS is a mathematical term meaning ‘Non-Uniform Rational B-spline,’ a concept developed in the 1950s by engineers looking for a way to replicate freeform surfaces in car and ship design.” [more info]

Lucky Bicyclist

Серьёзное ДТП, г. Люберцы, п-к ул.Московская и ул.Красноармейская, 19.09.2014

…all the action is between 00:10 – 00:25 time markers.