Category: ideas

Propulsion for Satellite Positioning


UMD Propulsion Technology Offers New Possibilities for Satellite Positioning, Space Exploration

Electromagnetic propulsion could exponentially expand satellite capabilities by providing a propellant-less formation flight technology.

Drinking Water out of Air

Mayo DraftFCB says it dropped the billboard along the Pan-American Highway to inspire young Peruvians to study engineering at UTEC while simultaneously illustrating how advertising can be more than just an eyesore.

“We wanted future students to see how engineers can also solve social needs in daily basis kinds of situations,” said Alejandro Aponte, creative director at Mayo DraftFCB.

The city’s residents could certainly use the help. According to a 2011 The Independent piece ominously titled “The desert city in serious danger of running dry,” about 1.2 million residents of Lima lack running water entirely, depending on unregulated private-company water trucks to deliver the goods — companies that charge up to 30 soles (US $10) per cubic meter of H2O, or as The Independent notes, 20 times what more well-off residents pay for their tap water.

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Teenager wins Intel prize


Student’s self-driving car tech wins Intel science fair.
When self-driving cars reach the masses, thanks may be due to a 19-year-old high-school student from Romania who developed an artificial intelligence that slashes the cost of the technology. He took top prize — a $75,000 scholarship — Friday at an international science and engineering fair…