Category: products

How Design Triggers Transformation | Bill Buxton

Design Mind Salon – Bill Buxton – Microsoft Research from Fellermedia on Vimeo.

In this 45 min. video: “Bill Buxton stresses that great design doesn’t stem from a singular designer or a great design department, but from the entire culture of the company. He goes on to discuss the crucial role design plays in solving the “wicked problems” that businesses face and how incorporating design can transform organizations.”

apple, making more pie… tablet, anyone ?

we all know that reading is dope, but is apple going to transform the reading experience and reignite the fireeeee??? (read fire, with excitement dot dot dot)

so… now that we been waiting since year zero for something like this. apple took their time to slow bake this pie, and make sure its fully roasted before giving us a peek, just so you can drool some more. yes, the technology has been around for some time, but no one yet did master the business model to make it work.

in typical fashion, apple is about to say yes or no on it tomorrow. lets keep our pretty fingers crossed, hope that the fairy tale continues, and watch stevie & co. pull another rabbit out the hat. hopefully apple delivers the scratch …

meanwhile, gizmodo has the geek team on standby (they must be real itchy by now):

“The Apple tablet could change everything. That’s what people are hoping for, revolution. But revolutions don’t actually happen overnight, especially if you’re talking about turning around an entire diseased, lumbering industry, like publishing.”

… linky linky : (Pondering The) Apple Tablet’s Print Revolution


(Pondering The) Apple Tablet’s Print Revolution