… and they took away the radio : ) not to fear… the exhaust is there to help you fill in the soundtrack
Category: Uncategorized
for Car Freaks only: Lamborghini Murcielago LP670 4 SuperVeloce vs. Mercedes Benz SLR 722
A Fine Line: How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business
By Hartmut Esslinger. The founder of frog design explains.
“A breath of turbo-charged fresh air that doesn’t regurgitate the ego-maniac CEO’s selective memory or an outside expert’s misinterpretations. Hartmut explains innovation through the lens of design, and it’s about time we gained his valuable perspective.” —Guy Kawasaki
” …A Fine Line is a must-read for designers and business people alike.” – Satjiv Chahil, senior vice president, Hewlett-Packard
linky linky: A Fine Line *(from Google BOOKS)
thx PetriThinks : )
Stephen Hawking explains Space Exploration
7 Weirdest, Wackiest Products From CES 2010!
CES 2010 from AttackoftheShow
“The suits are creeping out from behind… What are you doing (man)? I’m just humping this notebook, whats the deal, chill out dude???” … or is it really douchebag TV
A Sci-Fi Thriller worth checking… about Alan Wake
dont worry… its OK
Google Nexus One
You can now go to Google’s website and pay Google directly for a phone that bears the search giant’s corporate logo and the rather boring name of Nexus One. (Even if it is named after a robot in Blade Runner.)
This is quite a shift from the company’s original stance as a neutral distributor of the Android mobile operating system, used by multiple carriers on multiple handsets. Now Google is competing with the very manufacturers that use its OS.
Building the Nexus One (or, to be precise, contracting HTC to build it) may well tick off Google’s current and future Android partners. So, what features were so important to Google that it would take that risk?”
another piece of PR compliements of WIRED
Samsung E-Books > now you can Read and Write
“We knew e-books would be a hot item at this year’s show, but the surprise is that there are so many large format readers. Samsung’s small range tops out with a 10-incher, which joins the Kindle DX in its new international clothing, and Plastic Logic’s enormous 8.5 x 11-inchQue proReader.
Samsung’s e-books, the E6 and E101, look just like any other black and white e-ink device. When you’re done reading either of the 6- or 10-inch books, though, you can pull out a stylus and start scrawling. These sticks come in various thicknesses and use “electromagnetic resonance” to draw lines on the page.”
Read More http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/01/samsung-e-books-let-you-read-and-write/#ixzz0c9Osb4Xi
Dell Presenting tablets running on Google’s Android OS
snip snip:
“LAS VEGAS — Dell is poised to flood the market with a whole range of tablets, from tiny iPhone-sized handsets to big media players. At CES this morning, Dell’s marketing boss Michael Tatelman gave us a teasing sneak peek.
The handset he showed us, seen above, is a skinny sliver with a 5-inch screen and runs the Android operating system. It will probably never make it into stores, but Tatelman said that there are plenty of tablets, of all shapes, sizes and operating systems living in the Dell labs and aimed at going on sale as soon as possible.
Polaris Revolver Concept
Recognising that a large number of ATV’s sold in Europe are used on-road, Polaris created the Revolver Concept.
The Polaris Revolver is a purpose built vehicle designed to deliver good off-road performance combined with a new level of on-road capability.
The Polaris Revolver is powered by a 500cc liquid-cooled 4-valve engine mated to a 5-speed transmission driving the wheels which are wrapped in on-road tires.
2009 VOX 1800 Renderings by Bo Zolland
Mattias Vöx (a car builder at Koenigsegg supercars)
has commisioned Vizualtech to design the new project.